Simple Plan’s David Desrosiers has parted ways with his bandmates.

The bassist’s departure, announced Friday by the Montreal-based group, comes amid allegations of harassment and sexual misconduct against Desrosiers. “Recent public statements have led me to acknowledge that some of the interactions I have had with women have caused them harm,” Desrosiers wrote on Instagram. “I have decided to withdraw from the band and seek professional help to educate myself and act appropriately in the future. I am truly sorry for the harm I have caused to these women.”


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Des déclarations publiques récentes m’ont fait reconnaître que certaines interactions que j’ai eues avec des femmes leur ont causé du tort. J’ai donc pris la décision de me retirer du groupe et d’aller chercher de l’aide professionnelle afin de m’éduquer et d’agir de façon appropriée à l’avenir. Je suis vraiment désolé pour le tort que j’ai causé à ces femmes. Recent public statements have led me to acknowledge that some of the interactions I have had with women have caused them harm. I have decided to withdraw from the band and seek professional help to educate myself and act appropriately in the future. I am truly sorry for the harm I have caused to these women.

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The remaining members of the pop-punk outfit say they’re going to “pause” while they come up with “guidelines” to prevent similar situation from happening in the future.

Do you give Desrosiers credit for accepting responsibility? Do you believe his departure was completely voluntary?

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